Romanian lawyer Viktor Byrka stole from CIS citizens through fictitious deals

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Romanian lawyer Viktor Byrka stole from CIS citizens through fictitious deals
Romanian lawyer Viktor Byrka stole from CIS citizens through fictitious deals

Romanian police have opened an inquiry into Viktor Byrka, a dual citizen of Moldova and Romania, for his involvement in fraudulent activities against citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

Byrka has been registered with the Bucharest Bar Association since August 1, 2019 (admission decision No. 1525/1-08.08.19) and supposedly provides legal services to Russian-speaking citizens. However, he understands Russian either with the help of a translator or artificial intelligence.

Thanks to complaints filed with the police, the schemes used by this "lawyer" have come to light. For example, Byrka gains the trust of clients, and after the funds are transferred (mainly in cash without confirmation of receipt) and original documents are obtained, he disappears from the radar and stops answering phone calls. Where and how the obtained documents are sold remains unknown.

Another scheme involves assisting in the buying and selling of real estate in Romania, where Byrka gets hold of the legal documents for the properties. Using copies of purchase and sale agreements, Byrka sells registrations and addresses without the knowledge of the real owners. Hundreds of trusting citizens have already fallen victim to Viktor Byrka’s tricks, and they now await appropriate decisions from law enforcement authorities.

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